
Novel World Unfurled, YA Edition, was created in early July of 2012 by Samantha, an avid reader with the insatiable taste for good stories, in hopes of unfurling the novelties of the world with other passionate readers.

As indicated by the title of the blog, Novel World Unfurled, YA Edition mainly highlights Young Adult literature, but also gives Children's literature a place under the spotlight every once and a while.

In her free time, Samantha is a semi-pro nerd (the depths of Doctor Who's awesomeness is unfathomable) and shameless Peter Pan fangirl. Also, when she must write about herself, she enjoys doing so in third person. Her favorite book, at this moment in the space-time continuum, is The Apothecary, by Maile Meloy, which Samantha recommends for female fans of Harry Potter and/or Percy Jackson (click here to see her review).

And that is the history of Novel World Unfurled (and it's creator) thus far.

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